4 Best WordPress Pagination Plugins 🥇2023 (Free & Pro)

Are you tired of your WordPress website’s never-ending scroll? Do you wish there was an easier way for your readers to navigate through your content? Well, I’ve got some good news for you!

In this blog post, we’re going to explore the four best WordPress pagination plugins that are both free and pro. But before we dive into the details, let me address a concern some of you might have – what exactly is pagination and why is it important?

There are two types of pagination, single pages, and multiple pages. By producing a paginated site, you make your content more navigable for your readers, making it easier for them to find the information they need.

It’s like having chapters in a book, allowing your readers to jump to specific sections without having to scroll endlessly. This can greatly improve the user experience on your website, especially if you have a lot of content to showcase.

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of this article. I’ll be sharing with you the top four WordPress pagination plugins that can help you achieve a more organized and user-friendly website. We’ll explore both the free and pro options, so no matter your budget, there’s a solution for you. So, without further ado, let’s jump right in!

If you looking to improve the navigation and user experience on your WordPress website, look no further! In this article, we’ll be exploring the best pagination plugins for WordPress, both free and pro, that will take your website to the next level.

We have compiled a list of some of the best tools you can use to make your website as successful as possible. Read on to find out what you need to know to make your website successful.

WP-PageNavi is a highly popular pagination plugin for WordPress, with over one million active installations. This plugin offers a template tag called wp_pagenavi() that allows you to customize the navigation menu on your WordPress blog.

With this plugin, you can easily modify the pagination style, including options for the next and previous page indicators. The plugin also provides the option to display pagination with numbers, allowing you to choose how many pages you want to show.

However, one drawback of this plugin is that it doesn’t seamlessly integrate with WordPress page builders like Gutenberg blocks or Elementor widgets. This means that breadcrumb symbols may not be displayed on individual pages.

To make things easier, WP-PageNavi adds a new tab in the Settings section where you can easily configure the number of pages to display. Additionally, you have the flexibility to choose the text that appears for the current page, the first page, and the last page break.

Key Features:

  • Configure the number of pages to display
  • Customize class names for page navigation elements using filters
  • Choose text for the current, first, and last page break
  • Seamless integration with WordPress page builders
  • Display pagination with numbers
  • Easy navigation with next and previous page indicators.

WP-Paginate is a highly popular plugin that is used by over 40,000 websites. It offers a range of features and is constantly being improved to enhance its capabilities.

One of the standout attributes of the plugin is its ability to customize the style and color options of pagination links. This allows website owners to ensure that the pagination seamlessly integrates with the overall design of their site.

Further, the plugin also offers you the option to add custom CSS to the pagination links in order to make it even easier for you to customize them and make them fit your website design.

In addition to its impact on search engine visibility, it’s also great for SEO. Adding more links to your content through pagination can help drive more traffic to your site and improve your overall online presence. With this increased visibility, you’ll get more traffic and your search engine rankings will go up.

WP-Paginate is an incredibly user-friendly plugin. Its straightforward interface makes it easy for website owners to implement pagination on their sites without any hassle or confusion. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced WordPress user, you will find the plugin intuitive and convenient to use.

Customizable WordPress Content Splitter And Navigation Plugin

Pagination by BestWebSoft is a WordPress plugin that provides customized pagination for your website. It allows you to easily add pagination to your homepage, blog post, archives, or search results.

This plugin offers a range of customization options, such as changing the colors, width, and border radius of the pagination. It also provides helpful documentation and videos to guide you through the setup process.

With this plugin, you have the flexibility to choose how the pagination is displayed. You can place it above or below your main content, or use advanced features to customize its placement. This plugin also offers compatibility with popular page builders like Divi, making it even easier to integrate into your website.

One of the standout features of this plugin is its support for different types of pagination. You can choose between numerical pagination (which is the default), infinite scrolling, or next/previous buttons. This versatility allows you to tailor the pagination to suit your specific needs.

Additionally, Pagination by BestWebSoft is designed to work seamlessly with various types of content, including video galleries and photo portfolios. This makes it a great choice for websites that showcase multimedia content.

Key Features:

  • Compatibility with Divi page builder
  • Ability to change colors, width, and border-radius of pagination
  • Videos and documentation provided for setup assistance
  • Support for adding pagination to comments and PHP templates
  • Automatic pagination for posts/pages
  • Suitable for video galleries.

Allows You To Enable Pagination On Pages Posts And Categories

The Alphabetic Pagination plugin lets you sort all your posts, pages, and categories alphabetically. With this plugin, you can pick an Auto or Custom implementation depending on where you want the post type and post status selections to appear. You can also change the position of the DOM elements.

For more specific needs, the advanced version of the plugin is the way to go. It comes with shortcodes, which allow you to apply pagination to specific pages, posts, or taxonomies. This version is recommended if you require a custom implementation, shortcode, and permissions.

One of the standout features of the plugin is its ability to automate the implementation process. This means you can effortlessly organize your content alphabetically without manually rearranging everything. The plugin also provides a list of shortcodes that you can use for listing and displaying results.

The plugin lets you customize how pagination looks and works. It’s got pagination and single-page options based on JS/jQuery, so you’ll have complete control over your content. It also lets you hide or show the pagination if there’s just one post available so that your site doesn’t get too cluttered.

With this plugin, you can also use shortcodes for pagination. These shortcodes make it easy to insert them into your content so you can have pagination when you want it. You can also turn on or off Empty Alphabets. If there aren’t any posts in a section, you can decide whether to show the alphabet or not.

Key Features:

  • Pagination and single-page listing based on jQuery/JS
  • Design and implementation of custom solutions
  • Shortcodes for listing and displaying results
  • Automation of the implementation process
  • List of shortcodes for easy customization
  • Use shortcodes for pagination wherever needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are WordPress pagination plugins?

WordPress pagination plugins are tools that allow you to split your long posts or pages into multiple pages, making it easier for readers to navigate and consume your content.

These plugins offer features like numbered pagination, next and previous page buttons, and customizable pagination styles.

Why should I use pagination plugins for my WordPress site?

Using pagination plugins can improve user experience by breaking long posts or pages into smaller chunks, reducing scrolling and load times. This can make your content more readable and increase engagement.

Pagination also helps with SEO, as search engines can easily navigate through the pages and index your content more effectively.

What are the advantages of using premium pagination plugins for WordPress?

Premium pagination plugins for WordPress often offer more advanced features and customization options compared to their free counterparts.

With a premium plugin, you can have more control over the design and layout of your pagination links, allowing you to create a more personalized and visually appealing pagination experience for your users.

Additionally, premium plugins may offer additional functionalities such as AJAX-based pagination, lazy loading, and support for custom post types. These advanced features can further enhance user experience and provide more flexibility in managing your site’s pagination.


To wrap up our article on the four best WordPress pagination plugins, both free & pro, we discussed the importance of having a reliable pagination system for your WordPress website. We explored four top-notch plugins that offer both free and pro options, giving you the flexibility to choose the one that suits your needs.

If you found this article helpful and want to dive deeper into similar topics, I encourage you to visit the BetterStudio blog. There, you’ll find a plethora of tutorials and guides that can assist you in enhancing your WordPress website.

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Finally, we’d like to thank you for reading this. Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions or problems with the content we covered. You’ll be able to ask our team and fellow WordPressers for help at any time. Thank you for reading, and we hope to see you back soon. Happy WordPressing!