7 Best WooCommerce Fees Plugins 💰 2023 (Free & Pro)

Are you a WordPress website owner looking for the best WooCommerce fees plugins? Well, you’re in the right place! In this blog post, we’ll explore the top seven WooCommerce fees plugins, both free and pro, that can enhance your eCommerce site and help you maximize your profits.

Now you might be wondering, why are these plugins so important. Well, the truth is, fees can have a significant impact on your online business. Whether it’s transaction fees, shipping costs, or even taxes, these additional charges can eat into your profits and leave you with less money in your pocket.

That’s where WooCommerce fees plugins come in. They can help you manage and customize these fees, allowing you to have more control over your pricing structure and ultimately increase your revenue.

In this article, we’ll dive into the seven best WooCommerce fees plugins available in the market. We’ll provide you with an overview of each plugin, highlighting its key features and benefits.

So whether you’re a seasoned eCommerce entrepreneur or just starting out, this guide will help you make an informed decision and select the perfect fees plugin for your WordPress website. Let’s get started!

Best Fees Plugins for WooCommerce

If you are looking to add some functionality to your WooCommerce store, look no further! In this section, we’ll be exploring the best fees plugins for WooCommerce that can help you optimize your store’s performance and boost your revenue.

So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s dive into these amazing plugins that are sure to take your online business to the next level!

WooCommerce Cart Price, as its name suggests, is a plugin that allows you to set cart prices and apply discounts or extra fees to your WooCommerce store. This plugin stands out for its simplicity and ease of use, making it accessible to all website managers.

With this plugin, you can design specific rules that will be applied at the checkout page. These rules can be based on various factors, such as the items added to the shopping cart, the shipping address, and the user’s role.

In addition, the plugin gives you an easy-to-use interface and provides a variety of methods that you can use to add additional charges to your order in the future.

You can add extra fees or negative fees to make your pricing more flexible. There are many conditions you can set, depending on the number of items, the number of products, or the subtotal. The items can also be in multiple categories and you can specify a specific user or customer role.

WooCommerce Cart Price gives you complete control over the pricing of your products on your site. It allows you to create an unlimited number of rules according to your requirements. And the best part is that you don’t need to hire programmers or have advanced technical skills to use this plugin.

Key Features:

  • Create unlimited rules for cart pricing based on your requirements
  • Set discounts or additional charges according to specific cart conditions
  • Display messages in the cart to inform customers about the discounts or fees applied
  • User-friendly interface for easy management and customization.

Offers You an Option to Set Up Extra Fees Based On The Multiple Conditional Rules

Extra Fees Plugin for WooCommerce is a powerful tool that allows store owners to easily set up additional charges based on various conditions. It is designed to help you create dynamic websites using the WooCommerce platform.

With this plugin, you can apply more than a dozen different rules to your shopping cart, such as fees based on user preferences or shipping address location.

One of the key features of this plugin is the ability to add extra costs to your checkout based on categories, products, subtotals, weight, and shipping methods. This means you can easily charge customers for additional services, such as gift wrapping or special shipping options.

The backend of the plugin is user-friendly, making it easy to create and manage your additional charges rules. You can optimize your expenses and effectively manage your finances with this plugin.

Plus, it handles complex calculations quickly and efficiently, ensuring it doesn’t slow down your website speed. This way, you can focus on growing your business without any worries.

Key Features:

  • Increases revenue and average order value by adding extra fees
  • Gives each client an opportunity to earn extra income by the end of the month
  • Simple and easy creation and management of additional charges rules
  • Effective expense management by optimizing expenditures
  • Allows customers to request additional services at an additional cost
  • Involves customers in their costs, such as payment processing or shipping fees.

The Fastest and Easiest WooCommerce Extra Fees Plugin With Breakthrough Performance

WooCommerce Advanced Extra Fees Lite is a plugin that allows store managers to easily manage fees on their WordPress websites. With this plugin, you can set up rules based on various criteria like the value of the cart or the quantity. These rules can be applied to all carts on your website, regardless of their status.

One of the standout features of this plugin is its speed and accessibility. The Lite version provides a fast and efficient way to handle WooCommerce extra fees without any delays. The plugin is designed to work quickly and efficiently, ensuring a smooth experience for both you and your customers.

You can charge based on the items in a cart, the weight of the product, delivery classes, and the minimum order amount with this plugin. Developers will love the powerful APIs that come with it. You can create custom fee structures based on your specific business needs thanks to this flexibility.

There are two versions of WooCommerce Advanced Extra Fees Lite. The free one is pretty flexible, but the paid version lets you schedule fees so they run when you want them to. You can use it if you want to charge during special promotional periods.

Key Features:

  • Multiple conditions can be set for applying fees
  • Schedule conditional fees for specific periods
  • Fees can be charged in different cases and conditions
  • View fees associated with orders on the pages.

The Payment Gateway Based Fees and Discounts plugin for WooCommerce allows you to easily set discounts or fees based on the type of payment provided by your customer. With this plugin, you can apply taxes to your fees and exclude shipping charges when calculating costs.

One of the great features of this plugin is its support for discounts and fees for each payment method in the WooCommerce payment settings. This means you can create different deals and prices for specific payment methods, providing a customized experience for your customers.

Store managers will appreciate the flexibility of this plugin, as it allows them to create fees based on various criteria such as country, state, country code, and product category. This level of customization ensures that you can tailor fees to specific situations, making it easier to handle different payment scenarios.

Premium features of this plugin include the ability to exclude payment methods from the fees or discounts and the option to set percentage-based charges. This gives you even more control over how fees and discounts are applied to different payment methods.

There are a bunch of payment gateways that it works with, including direct bank transfers, checks, cash on delivery, PayPal, and custom gateways created by other plugins. Once that’s done, you can configure your payment gateways to charge fees or discount your customers based on how they pay.

Key Features:

  • Pricing options on a global or per-product basis
  • Discounts and fees for every payment method
  • Fixed or percentage-based discount values
  • Maximum and minimum values for fees and discounts
  • Flexibility to exclude payment methods from fees or discounts
  • Compatible with various payment gateways.

WooCommerce Advanced Discounts and Fees is a plugin that allows you to offer discounts and fees to your customers based on specific categories and payment gateways.

By placing products from certain categories in their shopping carts, you can give your customers discounts and encourage them to make a purchase. Similarly, you can incentivize the use of preferred payment methods by offering discounts or fees associated with those methods.

In addition, this plugin gives you the option to charge method fees when customers choose a specific shipping method during checkout. This can help you generate extra revenue while giving customers flexibility in choosing their preferred shipping option.

There are a lot of fun features in this plugin, like calculating prices and values by a fixed amount or percentage. You can set up extra fees or discounts if the total amount of the cart exceeds a certain amount. You can do this to get customers to add more stuff to their cart and make their orders more valuable.

Another handy feature of the plugin is the ability to label fees and discounts according to their nature. This can help you keep track of different types of discounts and fees, making it easier to manage and analyze them.

You also have the option to set up fees and discounts based on the user’s role. This means you can tailor your pricing strategies for different types of customers, offering specific discounts or fees based on their role in your online store.

Lastly, the plugin allows you to set shipping fees and discounts depending on the shipping method selected. This can be useful if you want to offer different delivery options to your customers while adjusting the fees and discounts accordingly.

Key Features:

  • Calculate prices and values based on fixed amounts or percentages
  • Apply extra fees or discounts for cart values exceeding a specified amount
  • Label fees and discounts according to their nature for easy management
  • Set up fees and discounts based on user roles
  • Customize shipping fees and discounts based on selected shipping methods.

Product Addons for WooCommerce is a versatile plugin that allows you to enhance your WooCommerce products by adding custom fields. One of its key features is the ability to set your own images for selection, giving you the flexibility to customize your products with visuals that match your branding.

The plugin also includes a user-friendly custom form builder, making it easy for you to add extra options and capture additional information from your customers during the shopping process.

This plugin comes in handy if you want to collect specific information from your customers, such as notes, numbers, dates, and more. It offers various types of fields, including text fields, numbers, radio buttons, checkboxes, select boxes, hidden fields, colors, and dates.

An easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface makes this plugin an ideal choice for beginners and those who wish to customize their products without a working understanding of coding.

You can’t get all the features in the paid version of the plugin with the free version. In the free version, you don’t get pricing, file uploading, or conditional logic. But even with those limitations, you can still use it to customize your WooCommerce products with it.

Key Features:

  • Drag-and-drop functionality for easy customization
  • Ability to set custom images for selection
  • Options for selecting multiple choices
  • Time slot availability for customers to choose from.

WooCommerce Product Add-ons is a plugin designed to enhance the customization options for your online store. With this plugin, your customers can easily add products to the checkout page and personalize their purchases without any hassle.

The plugin offers a variety of fields, including checkboxes, text boxes, drop-down menus, custom price inputs, and image examples. These fields can be applied globally or on a product-specific basis, giving you the flexibility to tailor the options to your needs.

One of the standout features of this plugin is its seamless integration with booking and subscription systems. This means that you can offer additional services or features that customers can add to their orders, such as booking an appointment or subscribing to a membership.

The plugin also allows you to calculate additional fees for extra products using different methods. Whether you want to charge a flat rate or a percentage-based fee, you have the flexibility to set it up according to your pricing strategy.

Key Features:

  • Customizable product options for your WooCommerce store
  • Seamless integration with booking and subscription systems
  • Enable customers to add custom text, personalize t-shirts, etc.
  • Ability to calculate additional fees for extra products
  • Global or product-specific application of customization options
  • Flat-rate or percentage-based fee calculations for additional products.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are WooCommerce fees plugins?

WooCommerce fees plugins are tools that allow you to add various fees and charges to your WooCommerce store. These fees can include things like handling fees, service charges, or additional costs for certain products or services.

Why should I use WooCommerce fees plugins?

Using WooCommerce fees plugins can help you customize and optimize your online store’s pricing structure. They allow you to easily add and configure fees based on your specific business needs, ensuring that you can accurately reflect any additional costs associated with the products or services you offer.

What are the benefits of using pro WooCommerce fees plugins?

Pro WooCommerce fees plugins come with advanced features and functionalities that can enhance your store’s pricing and revenue management.

They offer more customization options, extensive rule-based pricing capabilities, compatibility with other WooCommerce extensions, priority support, and regular updates.

Investing in a pro plugin can provide you with a robust and scalable solution for managing fees and charges in your WooCommerce store.


In conclusion, we discussed the top seven WooCommerce fees plugins, both free and pro versions. We explored how these plugins can help streamline your online store by allowing you to easily add various fees to your products or services.

In order to handle shipping costs or implement dynamic pricing strategies, these plugins offer a variety of features that are tailored to meet the specific requirements of your business.

For more in-depth tutorials and guides on all things WordPress, be sure to check out the BetterStudio blog. They provide valuable insights and resources to help you make the most of your WordPress website and WooCommerce store.

To stay up to date with the latest tutorials, tips, and tricks, make sure to follow BetterStudio on Facebook and Twitter. They regularly share helpful content that can improve your website’s functionality and enhance your online business.

Thank you for taking the time to read our article. If you have any questions or encounter any issues while implementing these WooCommerce fees plugins, please feel free to leave a comment in the section below. We’re here to help and provide further assistance. Happy selling!