5 Proven Ways to Edit Your WordPress Footer

5 Proven Ways to Edit Your WordPress Footer

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It’s time to stop beating around the bush. Let’s talk about it – the WordPress footer.Starting a new WordPress website, it is virtually impossible to omit a footer. What is it, how to fill it properly, and where to edit the footer? These and other questions will be answered today, so stay tuned. Table of ContentsA footer is the website section spotted at the bottom when scrolling down the page. It normally includes the site logo, contact details, a copyright notice, links to legal documentation, social media icons, and a sitemap. Source: Wander North GeorgiaDespite its seeming simplicity, a footer is a vital website part, and you should construct it properly. Depending on the niche, the website footer can comprise more elements, which you are going to find out about in the…
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