Top Small Business Ideas for 2023

Updated: Oct 10, 2023 By: Dessign Team

top small business ideas

Are you ready to unlock your potential and explore the top small business ideas for 2023?

Looking to unlock your potential in 2023 with a small business? Here are some top ideas to consider:

1. Start a dropshipping business: This low-cost and scalable business model involves selling products without the need to manage inventory or shipping.

2. Design and sell print-on-demand t-shirts: Use a print-on-demand service to customize t-shirts and other apparel with your own designs.

3. Launch your own book: Write and self-publish a book on a topic of your choice, either in physical or digital format.

4. Create digital products or online courses: Use your skills and knowledge to create and sell digital products, such as music, courses, or templates.

5. Sell print-on-demand posters, greeting cards, and prints: Turn your artwork or photography into print-on-demand products that customers can purchase.

Key Takeaways:

  • Consider starting a dropshipping business for a low-cost and scalable venture.
  • Create and sell print-on-demand t-shirts to leverage customization and online platforms.
  • Explore self-publishing as an opportunity to share your ideas and knowledge.
  • Monetize your skills and expertise by creating digital products or online courses.
  • Tap into your creative side by selling print-on-demand artwork and photography.

These are just a few of the top small business ideas for 2023. Choose a business idea that aligns with your skills, interests, and passions, and start unlocking your potential today.

Starting a Dropshipping Business

If you’re looking for a small business idea that requires minimal investment and offers scalability, consider starting a dropshipping business. This low-cost and scalable business model involves selling products without the need to manage inventory or shipping. With dropshipping, you act as a middleman between customers and suppliers, and your role is to market and sell products online.

One of the main advantages of dropshipping is that you don’t need to invest in inventory upfront. Instead, when a customer places an order on your online store, you simply purchase the product from a supplier who then ships it directly to the customer. This eliminates the need for storage space and reduces the risk of holding unsold inventory.

Another benefit of dropshipping is the ability to offer a wide range of products to your customers. Since you’re not constrained by physical inventory, you can easily experiment with different product niches and find what sells best. Additionally, as your business grows, you can scale up by adding more products to your store without the need for additional storage or shipping logistics.

dropshipping business
Benefits of Starting a Dropshipping Business
No upfront inventory investment
Scalable business model
Wide range of product options
No storage or shipping logistics

With the increasing popularity of e-commerce, there is a growing demand for dropshipping products. To succeed in this business, it’s crucial to conduct thorough market research, identify profitable niches, and build a strong online presence. Marketing and customer service are also key aspects of running a successful dropshipping business, as you’ll need to attract customers and ensure their satisfaction.

So, if you’re ready to unlock your potential in 2023, starting a dropshipping business could be the perfect opportunity. With low investment requirements and the potential for high scalability, you can build a successful venture while enjoying the flexibility of working on your own terms.

Design and Sell Print-on-Demand T-shirts

Unleash your creativity and turn it into profits by designing and selling custom print-on-demand t-shirts online. With the rise of e-commerce platforms and print-on-demand services, you can easily create your own designs and have them printed on high-quality t-shirts.

The process is simple: you create the design, upload it to a print-on-demand platform, and they take care of printing, packaging, and shipping the product to your customers. This allows you to focus on the creative aspect of your business without the hassle of dealing with inventory or fulfillment.

Whether you have a talent for graphic design, a passion for typography, or a knack for witty slogans, designing and selling custom t-shirts can be a profitable and fun small business idea. You can target specific niches or cater to a broader audience by offering a wide range of designs and styles.

Print-on-demand t-shirts

Not only can you sell t-shirts, but you can also expand your product offerings to include other apparel items like hoodies, tank tops, or even accessories like hats and bags. The possibilities are endless, and you can truly make this business idea your own.

Remember to conduct market research to identify trends, understand your target audience, and create designs that resonate with them. Utilize social media platforms and online marketing strategies to promote your t-shirts and build a loyal customer base. With dedication and creativity, you can turn your passion for design into a successful online business.

Benefits Challenges
  • Low startup costs
  • No inventory management
  • Scalability
  • Flexibility in design
  • Competition in the market
  • Ensuring quality of print-on-demand services
  • Stand out in a saturated market
  • Managing customer expectations

Success Story: Jane’s Print-on-Demand Empire

“Designing and selling print-on-demand t-shirts has been a game-changer for me. I started my online store just a year ago, and now I have a thriving business with thousands of happy customers. The best part is that I get to express my creativity every day while making a living. It’s been an incredibly rewarding journey!” – Jane, Print-on-Demand Entrepreneur

Self-Publishing Your Own Book

Have a story to tell or expertise to share? Consider self-publishing your own book and turning your passion for writing into a profitable small business. With the rise of digital platforms and online marketplaces, self-publishing has become an accessible and lucrative option for aspiring authors.

Self-publishing allows you to maintain creative control over your work and reach a global audience without the need for traditional publishing gatekeepers. Whether you’re writing a novel, a memoir, or a non-fiction guide, self-publishing gives you the freedom to bring your ideas to life and connect directly with readers.

One of the key advantages of self-publishing is the ability to choose between physical and digital formats. While physical books provide a tangible and traditional reading experience, digital books offer convenience and accessibility across various devices. By offering both formats, you can cater to different reading preferences and expand your potential customer base.

Advantages of Self-Publishing Considerations for Self-Publishing
  • Retain creative control
  • Higher royalty rates
  • Global distribution
  • Investment in editing and design
  • Marketing and promotion responsibilities
  • Building an author platform

“Self-publishing allows you to have complete control over your work and build a direct relationship with your readers.” – John Doe, Self-published Author

To successfully self-publish your book, it’s essential to invest in professional editing and cover design to ensure a polished final product. Additionally, you’ll need to take on the responsibility of marketing and promotion to attract readers and generate sales. Building an author platform, including a website and active social media presence, can help you establish credibility and connect with your target audience.

Self-Publishing Your Own Book

Self-publishing your own book is a rewarding journey that allows you to share your voice and expertise with the world. Embrace the opportunity to unlock your potential as an authorpreneur and turn your passion for writing into a successful small business.

Creating Digital Products or Online Courses

Share your expertise with the world and generate income by creating and selling digital products or online courses in your field of expertise. The rise of the internet and e-learning platforms has made it easier than ever to monetize your knowledge and skills. Whether you’re a talented musician, a skilled programmer, or a master of a particular craft, there’s a market waiting to learn from you.

One of the great advantages of creating digital products or online courses is the ability to reach a global audience. With a well-designed course or an informative e-book, you can attract customers from all over the world, expanding your reach and potential earnings. Online platforms provide a user-friendly interface for you to create, market, and deliver your content, making it accessible to learners anywhere, anytime.

By leveraging online platforms and tools, you can easily create and sell your digital products or courses without the need for physical inventory or a brick-and-mortar store. This allows for low overhead costs and increased profitability. Additionally, you have the flexibility to set your own prices, decide on the content format, and update your offerings as your expertise evolves.

Benefits of Creating Digital Products and Online Courses
Global reach and potential for passive income
Low overhead costs and increased profitability
Flexibility to set your own prices and content format
Opportunity to establish yourself as an expert in your field

“Creating and selling digital products or online courses allows you to leverage your expertise and earn income on your own terms.” – John Doe, Successful Online Course Creator

How to Get Started

To start creating your digital products or online courses, you’ll need to follow a few key steps:

  1. Identify your niche: Determine what area of expertise you want to focus on and ensure there is demand for your content.
  2. Plan your content: Outline the topics and modules you want to cover in your course or the chapters and sections in your e-book.
  3. Create your content: Develop engaging and informative content in various formats, such as video lessons, written materials, or interactive exercises.
  4. Select an online platform: Choose a reputable e-learning platform that suits your needs and offers the necessary tools for content creation, marketing, and sales.
  5. Market your products: Promote your digital products or online courses through social media, email marketing, content creation, and collaborations with influencers or industry experts.
  6. Continuous improvement: Gather feedback from your customers and make updates or enhancements to your offerings to provide the best learning experience.

Remember, success in creating digital products or online courses requires dedication, effective marketing strategies, and a commitment to delivering high-quality content. With the right approach and a passion for sharing your expertise, you can turn your knowledge into a profitable small business venture.

Creating Digital Products or Online Courses

Capture the beauty of your art or photography and transform it into unique print-on-demand products that customers will love. With the advent of print-on-demand services, you can now showcase your creativity by offering a wide range of products such as posters, greeting cards, and prints, without the need for inventory or upfront costs.

Print-on-demand platforms allow you to upload your artwork or photographs, choose the products you want to sell, and customize them according to your preferences. Whether you are an artist, photographer, or designer, this business idea enables you to monetize your talent by creating products that resonate with your target audience.

By leveraging print-on-demand services, you can offer customers personalized and unique items that they won’t find anywhere else. Whether it’s a stunning landscape photograph, an inspiring quote, or a whimsical illustration, customers can purchase your prints, greeting cards, or posters, bringing a touch of beauty and creativity into their lives.

Benefits of Selling Print-on-Demand Products

Selling print-on-demand products has several advantages:

  • No need for inventory: With print-on-demand, you don’t have to worry about managing stock or fulfillment. The products are created and shipped directly to the customers.
  • Low upfront costs: The initial investment required to start this business is minimal. You can test different designs and products without the risk of holding unsold inventory.
  • Scalability: As your customer base grows, print-on-demand platforms can handle the increasing demand. You can focus on creating new designs and expanding your product offerings.
  • Flexibility: Print-on-demand allows you to experiment with different designs and products, giving you the freedom to explore your creativity and adapt to changing trends.

With print-on-demand, you have the opportunity to turn your passion for art or photography into a profitable home-based business. Take advantage of the growing demand for unique and personalized products, and start selling your print-on-demand posters, greeting cards, and prints today!

Product Price Range Popular Themes
Posters $10-$50 Landscapes, Quotes, Abstract
Greeting Cards $3-$10 Birthday, Wedding, Thank You
Prints $5-$30 Portraits, Animals, Nature
selling print-on-demand posters, greeting cards, and prints

Starting a Charitable Business

Make a positive impact on the world while running your small business by starting a charitable venture that supports a cause dear to your heart. This unique business idea allows you to combine your passion for making a difference with your entrepreneurial spirit. By dedicating a portion of your profits to a specific charity or social issue, you can create a business that not only generates income but also contributes to a greater cause.

small business ideas

Starting a charitable business can be a rewarding experience, both personally and professionally. Not only will you have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of others, but you’ll also attract customers and clients who share your values and want to support a business that gives back.

How to Start a Charitable Business

To start a charitable business, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a cause: Select a cause or charity that aligns with your values and interests. It should be something you’re passionate about and believe in strongly.
  2. Create a business plan: Develop a comprehensive business plan that outlines your mission, goals, target audience, and strategies for generating revenue and supporting your chosen cause.
  3. Establish partnerships: Collaborate with local nonprofits and organizations that are working towards the same cause. This can help you leverage their expertise and resources to make a greater impact.
  4. Market your business: Use digital marketing strategies, such as social media, content marketing, and email campaigns, to raise awareness about your charitable business and attract customers who resonate with your mission.
  5. Track your impact: Regularly measure and report the impact your business is making. This will help you build credibility and transparency with your customers, partners, and the community.

Remember, starting a charitable business requires dedication, perseverance, and a genuine desire to make a difference. By aligning your business goals with a cause you’re passionate about, you can create a successful venture that not only benefits you but also contributes to a better world.

Becoming a Virtual Event Planner

With the rise of remote events, seize the opportunity to become a virtual event planner and assist businesses and individuals in organizing successful online gatherings. As more people embrace the convenience and flexibility of virtual events, the demand for skilled event planners who can navigate the digital landscape continues to grow.

As a virtual event planner, you will play a crucial role in ensuring that each event runs smoothly from start to finish. From coordinating with vendors and managing registrations to overseeing technical aspects and engaging attendees, your expertise will be invaluable in creating memorable and impactful experiences.

By leveraging your organizational skills, attention to detail, and creativity, you can help businesses and individuals host a wide range of virtual events, including conferences, webinars, workshops, product launches, and more. Whether it’s coordinating schedules, curating engaging content, or troubleshooting technical issues, you’ll be the go-to person for making each event a success.

Benefits of Becoming a Virtual Event Planner
Flexibility to work from home or anywhere with an internet connection.
High earning potential, with the ability to charge competitive rates for your services.
Opportunity to work with a diverse range of clients and industries.
Chance to stay up-to-date with the latest virtual event technologies and trends.
Ability to make a significant impact on the success of each event and leave a lasting impression on attendees.

As the world becomes more interconnected and businesses adapt to the digital landscape, the demand for virtual event planners will only continue to rise. By embracing this small business opportunity, you can unlock your potential and play an integral role in shaping the future of events.

Virtual Event Planner

Satisfy the caffeine cravings of coffee connoisseurs by starting your own online coffee shop and offering a delightful selection of specialty beans and coffee products. With the growing popularity of specialty coffee, there is a lucrative market waiting to be tapped into. By creating an online platform, you can reach a wide range of coffee enthusiasts and provide them with unique and high-quality coffee options.

One of the advantages of an online coffee shop is the ability to offer a diverse range of coffee beans sourced from different regions around the world. From Ethiopian Yirgacheffe to Colombian Supremo, customers can explore the flavors and aromas of various coffee profiles. Additionally, you can provide detailed information about each coffee, including tasting notes and brewing recommendations, to help customers make informed choices.

In addition to specialty beans, you can also expand your product line to include coffee accessories, such as brewing equipment, mugs, and coffee subscriptions. By offering a curated selection of complementary products, you can enhance the overall coffee experience for your customers and cater to their specific preferences.

Benefits of Starting an Online Coffee Shop
1. Low startup costs compared to opening a physical coffee shop.
2. Flexibility to work from anywhere and reach customers worldwide.
3. Ability to curate a unique selection of specialty coffee beans.
4. Opportunity to provide personalized and in-depth information about coffee products.
5. Potential to build a loyal customer base through online marketing and social media engagement.

To succeed in the online coffee industry, it is crucial to prioritize quality and customer satisfaction. Ensure that your coffee beans are sourced ethically and roasted to perfection. Offer excellent customer service, prompt shipping, and hassle-free returns to build trust and loyalty with your customers.

The online coffee market is thriving, and by starting your own online coffee shop, you can become part of this exciting industry. Combine your passion for coffee with entrepreneurial spirit, and create a memorable coffee experience for customers around the world.


Offering Child Care Services

Help working parents and create a nurturing environment by offering child care services in your own home or by partnering with established child care centers. As a child care provider, you play a vital role in supporting families and ensuring the well-being of their children.

By offering child care services in your own home, you can provide a safe and comfortable setting for children to learn and grow. Create a stimulating environment with age-appropriate toys, books, and educational activities. Develop a daily routine that includes structured learning time, playtime, and nutritious meals. This personalized approach allows you to cater to the unique needs and interests of each child under your care.

If you prefer to collaborate with established child care centers, you can offer your expertise and assistance in meeting the demand for quality child care. By partnering with these centers, you can contribute to their mission of providing high-quality care and early childhood education. This partnership benefits both the center, by enhancing their service offerings, and you, by accessing a wider network of potential clients.

Home-based child care services

As a child care provider, you have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of children and their families. Whether you choose to offer child care services in your own home or partner with established centers, your dedication and nurturing approach will contribute to the well-being and development of the children entrusted to your care.

Benefits of Offering Child Care Services
1. Fulfilling and rewarding work
2. Flexibility in setting your own schedule
3. Opportunity to create a nurturing and educational environment
4. Building meaningful relationships with children and their families
5. Contributing to the well-being and development of children

Offering child care services is not only a viable home-based business idea but also a chance to make a difference in the lives of young children. Choose this opportunity to fuel your passion for nurturing, learning, and creating a positive impact on future generations.

Leverage your social media expertise and assist businesses in managing their online presence by becoming a social media management consultant. In today’s digital age, businesses recognize the importance of having a strong social media presence to connect with their target audience and drive brand awareness. As a social media management consultant, you can offer your expertise in creating and implementing effective social media strategies, content creation, posting schedules, and engagement with followers.

Whether you have a proven track record in social media marketing or have built a successful personal brand on platforms like Instagram or TikTok, you can use your skills to help businesses navigate the ever-changing landscape of social media. By staying up to date with the latest trends, algorithms, and best practices, you can ensure that your clients’ social media efforts are targeted, engaging, and yielding results.

As a social media management consultant, you’ll have the flexibility to work remotely and set your own schedule. You can offer your services to a wide range of businesses, from startups to established companies across various industries. By focusing on building relationships with clients and delivering measurable results, you can establish yourself as a trusted and sought-after social media expert.

Key Responsibilities:
  • Create and execute social media strategies tailored to clients’ goals and target audience.
  • Curate and create engaging content, including images, videos, and captions.
  • Manage social media accounts, including scheduling posts and engaging with followers.
  • Monitor and analyze social media performance using analytics tools.
  • Stay up to date with the latest social media trends and algorithm changes.
  • Provide regular reports and recommendations to clients on improving their social media presence.

By becoming a social media management consultant, you can turn your passion for social media into a profitable small business. With the right skills, dedication, and a network of satisfied clients, you can unlock your potential and achieve small business success in the ever-growing world of online marketing.

Online Marketing


With these top small business ideas for 2023, the possibilities are endless. Follow your passion and embark on an entrepreneurial journey that holds the key to your success.

Looking to unlock your potential in 2023 with a small business? Here are some top ideas to consider:

1. Start a dropshipping business: This low-cost and scalable business model involves selling products without the need to manage inventory or shipping.

2. Design and sell print-on-demand t-shirts: Use a print-on-demand service to customize t-shirts and other apparel with your own designs.

3. Launch your own book: Write and self-publish a book on a topic of your choice, either in physical or digital format.

4. Create digital products or online courses: Use your skills and knowledge to create and sell digital products, such as music, courses, or templates.

5. Sell print-on-demand posters, greeting cards, and prints: Turn your artwork or photography into print-on-demand products that customers can purchase.

6. Start a charitable business: Combine your passion for a cause with a business by dedicating a portion of your profits to a specific charity or social issue.

7. Become a virtual event planner: With the rise of remote events, offer your services as a virtual event planner, helping businesses and individuals organize and execute online gatherings.

8. Start an online coffee shop: Create an online platform to sell specialty coffee beans and related products to coffee enthusiasts.

9. Offer child care services: Provide child care services for working parents, either in your own home or by partnering with local child care centers.

10. Become a social media management consultant: Help businesses manage their social media presence, including content creation, posting, and engagement with followers.

These are just a few ideas to get you started on your small business journey in 2023. Choose a business idea that aligns with your skills, interests, and passions, and start unlocking your potential today.


What are some top small business ideas for 2023?

Here are some top small business ideas to consider in 2023:

What is a dropshipping business?

Dropshipping is a low-cost and scalable business model that involves selling products without the need to manage inventory or shipping.

How can I start a print-on-demand t-shirt business?

To start a print-on-demand t-shirt business, you can use a print-on-demand service to customize t-shirts and other apparel with your own designs.

Can I self-publish my own book?

Yes, you can write and self-publish a book on a topic of your choice, either in physical or digital format.

How can I create and sell digital products or online courses?

You can use your skills and knowledge to create and sell digital products or online courses, such as music, courses, or templates.

Is it possible to sell print-on-demand posters, greeting cards, and prints?

Absolutely! You can turn your artwork or photography into print-on-demand products that customers can purchase.

Can I combine business with a cause?

Yes, you can start a charitable business by dedicating a portion of your profits to a specific charity or social issue.

What is a virtual event planner?

A virtual event planner offers services in organizing and executing online gatherings for businesses and individuals.

How can I start an online coffee shop?

You can create an online platform to sell specialty coffee beans and related products to coffee enthusiasts.

Can I offer child care services as a small business?

Absolutely! You can provide child care services for working parents, either in your own home or by partnering with local child care centers.

How can I become a social media management consultant?

As a social media management consultant, you can help businesses manage their social media presence, including content creation, posting, and engagement with followers.