4 Best WordPress Backlinks Plugins πŸ”— 2022 (Free & Pro)

Do you want to find the best WordPress Backlinks plugins?

To begin with, you need a WordPress site with an excellent plugin. As a result, we picked the best WordPress plugins for backlinks for 2022. Additionally, these plugins have good support, are fast, and are user-friendly. They are also integrated with all of the top WordPress themes.

The WordPress plugin bundle we built has plugins suitable for Backlinks, SEO, Internal Links, Backlinks Strategy, Backlink Generator, Backlink Checker, Rank Tracking Tool, Link Management, and Automatic Backlink Building.

Listed below are the top Backlinks WordPress plugins for 2022:

Consolety Plugin

SEO plugin for Traffic, Authority & Backlinks

Several functions are served by the Consolety plugin, including exchanging backlinks with other websites, connecting Facebook pages, and a host of different SEO functions.

This plugin will enable you to automatically obtain links from people in your network with authority backlinks.

With this automatic backlink building plugin, you will be able to reduce your expenditures on outsourced content marketers and new links since you will no longer need to dedicate resources and time to these tasks.

This plugin will allow you to continue to do what you are passionate about, creating content. You can blog, take photos, create tutorials, or whatever you like; you can do it with this plugin.

πŸ’΅ Free plugin developed by professional author.

Key Features:

  • You can create guest articles for other sites without spending much time
  • You can receive a good amount of traffic from many other related sites
  • Increases the overall exposure of your content
  • You can get high authority backlinks on autopilot
  • Displays links from other sites as your content are read on more sites

Random Reviews:

  • The plugin caused errors when I installed it. Also, I am not able to register for API Key. Clearly this plugin is no longer supported. Too bad, because I liked the concept.

    macsopinionJul 2022

  • My significant change will be to use it with a solid hope of getting more positive results.

    WarriorPlusNov 2020

SEO Backlink Monitor Plugin

Lets You Track Your Link Building Campaign

Using the SEO Backlink Monitor plugin, you can track how your link-building campaign is progressing on your WordPress website.

By downloading this link management plugin, you can add links to your site and find out whether your desktop and mobile user agents have been updated.

With this backlink generator plugin, if any changes are made to the status of any of your links, you will receive an email when any changes are made to them, and you can choose the frequency for them to be checked every time is set up.

This backlink checker plugin is a modified and optimized version of the original Backlink Monitoring Manager plugin by Active Web sight.

πŸ’΅ Free is the price of the SEO Backlink Monitor plugin.

Key Features:

  • Allows you to track the results of your link-building campaign
  • Your link can be added and checked to see whether it does follow or not follow
  • Sends an email when an update is made to a link
  • Checks all your links automatically using WordPress’ cron service

Random Reviews:

  • Thank you for using SEO Backlink Monitor (and developers too).

    ShnipselApr 2022

  • The plugin doesn’t seem to do anything, I tried it three times and it didn’t find a single backlink.

    JoeGPDec 2021

SEO Booster Plugin

A Powerful Tool for Anyone Serious About SEO

By using the SEO Booster plugin, you can automatically create internal links between your blog posts if you have a large number of them.

Linking your articles to previous blog posts will affect your site’s ranking, as well as external backlinks and internal linking structures. With this plugin, you can view all the backlinks to your site, so you will know who is linking to your site.

Through this rank tracking tool, you can identify spammy and irrelevant backlinks, which will allow you to remove them before Google’s detection, preventing a penalty from being imposed.

Using the PRO version, you can monitor backlinks and learn more about them, including their anchor text, if they are images, and what they are referring to.

As an additional feature, you can subscribe to an RSS feed that provides the latest backlink profile updates so that you are always informed of the latest developments.

πŸ’΅ The free version is available for use, but upgrading to the pro version costs $29.

Key Features:

  • Backlinks from spam sites can be discovered
  • Builds internal links within your website
  • You may find SEO analysis overviews
  • Provides an overview of all backlinks
  • You can find information about the link

Random Reviews:

  • I love this fantastic plugin! If you would like to boost your page and get inside information, backlinks etc., look no further!

    gackicJul 2022

Link Whisper Plugin

Easier Way to Build Internal Links

In addition to your incoming backlinks, the Link Whisper plugin allows you to manage your internal linking structure with artificial intelligence based on your content and incoming backlinks.

Linking to other articles on our website is often time-consuming and ineffective, especially if there are many articles. This plugin offers suggestions for articles relevant to the new article we wish to write.

Furthermore, this plugin allows you to edit the articles it suggests if you do not agree with them.

This backlinks strategy plugin provides statistics about how many posts have been crawled, how many internal and external links have been accessed, and the domains most frequently link to your site.

The paid version provides additional features such as bulk hyperlink changes, auto-linking, and limited functionality of the free version.

πŸ’΅ There are two versions of the software: Lite for free and Premium for $77.

Key Features:

  • There is a bulk link changer.
  • Provides suggestions for articles related to your planned publication
  • Your internal links can include incoming backlinks
  • Manages your internal linking structure using artificial intelligence
  • Adding your articles is possible

Random Reviews:

  • There’s nothing I like more than link whisper. The updated version is so helpful now that I don’t have to look for links in sentences.

    romanahaneefAug 2022

  • It’s a really useful plugin.

    CyberchoicesAug 2022

We would like to conclude by mentioning

We have compiled a list of advanced and valuable best Backlinks WordPress plugins.

πŸ“Œ Note: Please take a few minutes to review our posts highlighting the modern WordPress blog themes and the best WordPress plugins for your blog, which are regularly used, voted, and shared by our readers.

It’s been a pleasure reading about the best WordPress plugins for backlinks. We hope this was helpful to you.

Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions about the post. Also, feel free to share your thoughts onΒ FacebookΒ andΒ Twitter.

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