8 Actionable Tips To Increase Affiliate sales in 2022

Who does not want to get more affiliate sales, but not everyone has enough knowledge to make this happen.

However, now you don’t have to be left out as once you apply the techniques and hacks shared in this guide, you should be able to make more affiliate sales as pro affiliate marketers.

This guide is your go-to resource for any niche to increase affiliate sales and get more money in your bank account. These techniques are time-proven and don’t take much time to implement.

Many of you can actually implement in your existing articles and grow your affiliate earnings overnight. 

Why you should listen to me?

And it was not one time, I repeatedly follow the tricks mentioned to grow my income stream from affiliate marketing

In fact, with one of the programs alone, I have made half a million dollars. 

This can’t be done by hit and trial and require a mindset as well as right technique.

I have done my best in this guide to help you understand the secrets of getting more affiliate sales that you can use.

A lot of marketers would charge hundreds if not thousands of dollars to help you learn all these, but we are giving away this for free as information should always be free.

Now, I hope you understand how I can help you in your journey of making money. So without further delay, let’s learn the technique of increasing affiliate sales. 

Note: This article is constantly updated with new tricks. So do bookmark and return later, to see the new and updated technique.

8 Strategies To Get More Affiliate Sales

1. Use call to action buttons:

A lot of us create an article with the goal of making affiliate sale but those affiliate links are hard to be found. One thing that you need to understand is, a majority of your readers scan the article and they click on which is prominent. 

Using call to action buttons can help your readers spot the action item clearly, and thus you will start getting more CTR and hence conversion.

WordPress has an in-built feature to add call to action button which is by the name “Button”.

And you can add text and link to add button. You can also customize the background color to match your design and increase CTR. 

If you are showing coupons and discounts on your blog, you should use the Affiliate coupon plugin. This has a feature called click to reveal which is used by many top affiliate sites to increase their sales significantly. 

2. Use tables:

Using a table is another easy way to get more clicks to your affiliate links. Especially, if you are making a listicles, you can add a prominent table at the top of your article and get more clicks. 

Here is an example of table :

Moreover, the table also helps readers compare the products in digestible way.  WordPress also has an in-built table feature which you can use to add a table. 

My recommendation is to play with the table feature of WordPress and find the design that works best for you. If you are not happy with the default table feature of WordPress, you can use one of these comparison table WordPress plugins.

If you are promoting affiliate products from Amazon, then use this amazing AAWP plugin to increase sales.

3. Use exit intent pop-up banners:

So, last few months I have been experimenting with an exit-intent pop-up for increasing affiliate sales and here are the results:

And here is the pop-up I was using:

Do notice, how this pop-up uses the AIDA framework which stands for attention, interest, desire and action. Also, social proof at the end is the icing on the cake.

In case if you are new to the exit-intent term, it basically meant the pop-up is shown when users are about to leave your site by clicking on the close button.

This is something I have started using extensively in 2022 and saw a great conversion with this.

To use this feature, you need a plugin or tool that offers exit intent pop-up. I use OptinMonster which has the industry best exit-intent technology and it is also very accurate. The price starts at $29/month which can be covered with even a single sale.

Few tricks to make it work best for you:

  • Apply the AIDA framework to design your banner
  • Create 2/3 variants of the banner and test them (Optinmonster has the in-built feature)
  • Use page-level targeting to show the banner on pages that are most likely to convert.

4. Hunt for new offers:

A lot of new bloggers usually copy the offers promoted by existing bloggers. This indeed works but there is an untapped way to outsmart even the smartest of bloggers.

Find new offers to promote.

Be the first one to introduce new tools, deals. A lot of this could be achieved by browsing your existing affiliate networks dashboard.

For example, if you are using ShareASale, you can check their “Power rank” to find new affiliate products to promote. Since, the program listed here are already making great sales (that’s why it’s in Power rank), that means your existing readers may like it as well.

Similarly, the majority of affiliate networks have such a list and exploring them once in a while, will help you to discover amazing affiliate offers.

Alright, these were some of the actionable steps to increase affiliate sales and now its time to look at some of the theory sides of it. Else, practical alone has never helped many.

5. Create Keyword-list based on Affiliate Keywords:

When you do Keyword research, make sure you focus on informational, transactional and commercial keywords. 

Look for these kinds of keywords:

  • Best
  • Cheap

  • Alternatives
  • Compare

  • Improve

  • Offer

  • Discount

  • Promo

  • Coupon

Usually, they are inclined to give you more sales.

6. Build relation with Affiliate managers and ask for commission increment:

This is one of the most underutilized yet most powerful tricks to increase your affiliate earnings.  

Here is how this works:

Most of the affiliate programs have a public page where they disclose how much commission they offer. Now, if you have an established website or YouTube channel or you are already giving decent numbers of sales every month 4-5, you can reach out to the program’s affiliate manager and ask for commission increase.

So if the affiliate program offers 20% commission, you can straight away ask for a 35-40% increment. In return, you can offer more exposure to the product on your platform.

Some of the additional ideas are:

  • Review
  • Social media shoutouts
  • Email blast

Especially if you are planning to do a review of the product, that’s the best time to ask for a commission increase.

Here is one such email for you to get an idea on how I do it:

Even a 5-10% increment like this, makes a lot of difference in the longer run.

7. Build upon your Reputation:

Your reputation will be one of the most useful tools in your mission to make money online. It’s really just common sense. If your viewers trust you and the material you give them, then it will be easier for them to trust the products you’re selling or leading them into.

If you don’t want to sell a product yourself, then you can just lead them to other sites, and simply make money with leads. But be careful of what this does to your reputation. Always be sure that you’re leading your viewers to a reliable site.

My suggestion before promoting any product, give it a try and write about it. Write tutorials or guides on how to use it and how it changed your life, this approach will make sure that people will love your judgment and with blog post or videos, you can clear all common questions.

8. Get more Organic Traffic – Use SEO:

More traffic on your site will mean a better chance of selling more with your affiliates. It’s a rule that if you want to make money online, you’ll have to target people.

You have to build your site around the idea of attracting your target people. This is done by using keywords, good material, and such. This will result in having your site visible in search engines.

Even if you’re inexperienced with marketing affiliates, you’ll find out that more traffic will make it easier for you to make money with leads.

I would suggest you use  WordPress for creating your next affiliate site and refer to this big list of best WordPress plugins for SEO and optimize your site for better ranking.

Read: Personal branding tips – How to create a personal brand

9. Base your actions on Conversion:

When marketing affiliates, you will always have to upgrade consistently every week, every day if possible. You will have to base these actions on conversion rates.

For example, you have 300 visitors a day and only 3 of them click on your link or product, then you’ll have to change the way you market. Think from the customer’s view.

Does something in your site make them want to click a link or product?

Then branch off ideas from that. Does something in your site make them not want to buy the product? Then remove and avoid these things.

These are some of the basic steps which you can follow, but I would suggest do proper research about the product which you are promoting. Promoting a product, which is a hot topic and people are buying instantly, go for viral promotion.

Do let me know which strategies you have implemented to increase your affiliate sales? Do you have any other tricks that we should know about? Let us in the comment section below.

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