How to Export WooCommerce Orders as CSV (Without a Plugin)

There are several reasons to export orders from WooCommerce using CSV or TXT files. First off, you may need to share order details with important parties, like dropshippers, third-party logistics/shipping partners, warehouse pickers, or shareholders.

Or, perhaps, you’re transferring your store from WooCommerce to another ecommerce platform. In that case, you’ll want to use WooCommerce to export orders before the transfer.

👉 In this guide, you’ll learn the following:

How to export WooCommerce orders without a plugin (CSV)

There’s already a “WooCommerce export orders” feature built into the system, so there’s technically no reason to use a plugin for simple order exports.

To begin, make sure that you have some products and recent orders inside WooCommerce for the export to work.

Go to WooCommerce → Orders to view orders and ensure that there are some past, active, or processing orders to compile them into an export sheet:

Note: You can export “Cancelled” or “Pending Payment” orders but not by default.

an Orders button in WordPress, and order statues highlighted

Once you’ve accumulated some sales, and you’re ready to export those orders into a CSV file, continue below to complete that process:

  1. Go to the Reports page to export WooCommerce orders as CSV files
  2. Filter which orders to export from WooCommerce to CSV
  3. Export the WooCommerce orders to CSV
  4. Open, edit, or move the CSV order export file

1. Go to the Reports page to export WooCommerce orders as CSV files

To begin a WooCommerce export of all orders into a CSV, you need to begin by going to the Reports page. Click on WooCommerce → Reports:

a Reports button in WordPress

The Reports page presents graphs, charts, and statistics on orders, customers, and stock within your WooCommerce store.

All order exports start here. You can filter based on certain metrics, then click on the Export CSV button for specific data in the export sheet:

the orders tab in WooCommerce reports

2. Filter which orders to export from WooCommerce to CSV

One way to go about it is to leave the filters alone to automatically export all orders made within the last seven days.

However, it’s also possible to filter the reports and, in turn, export data from those reports into a CSV file.

The first filter shows sales by date, where you choose to present sales over the last 7 days, this month, last month, or the year. There’s also a Custom field to set your own date range.

Once you’ve made your choice, click the Go button to activate the filters:

filters for sales by date

The Sales By Product tab lets you select certain inventory items and only export data from those items. Under the Sales By Product tab, select one (or multiple) products so that only they appear in the reports:

Note: All filters actually allow for filtering by date. Therefore, for instance, you could combine the “sales by product” filter and the “sales by date” filter.

showing reports for one product

The Sales By Category tab serves as another filter, where you select one (or multiple) categories from your WooCommerce store. Then, only those categories get added to the WooCommerce export orders CSV:

a filter for product categories while using WooCommerce to export orders via CSV

Finally, WooCommerce offers tabs to filter reports and order exports by coupons and customer downloads:

customer downloads filter

3. Export the WooCommerce orders to CSV

Once you’ve made filter selections (or left them as is for exporting all recent orders) find the Export CSV button.

Click on that to immediately download a CSV file to your computer’s Downloads folder (or wherever you have downloaded browser files going by default):

the Export CSV link in WordPress

4. Open, edit, or move the CSV order export file

Most of the time, your browser should save this file to your computer’s local Download’s folder, but you may have a different folder for default browser downloads.

Regardless, find the WooCommerce orders export CSV wherever it went on your computer:

a downloaded CSV in the downloads file

You are welcome to move the CSV file to another storage location, or send it to the appropriate parties. You can also click on the file to open it up.

The CSV file provides a list of all WooCommerce orders from the specified timeframe, product, or category.

You’ll see columns for:

  • Number of items sold
  • Number of orders
  • Average net sales amount
  • Coupon amount
  • Shipping amount
  • Gross sales amount
  • Net sales amount
  • Refund amount:
a downloaded CSV with order details

That’s how you use WooCommerce to export orders to CSV files!

Use WordPress to export orders as XML file

Another way to export WooCommerce product data is with a built-in WordPress feature for exporting content from your site.

This method is particularly useful if you’d rather obtain an XML file with order records, which helps when importing to new WordPress sites, or to other website builders and ecommerce platforms.

  1. Navigate to the WordPress Export tool
  2. Export your WooCommerce orders, and nothing else
  3. Open, edit, or move the WooCommerce order export file

In your WordPress dashboard, go to Tools → Export:

a WordPress tab called Export - to

2. Export your WooCommerce orders, and nothing else

The Export page provides several options for exporting content from all over your WordPress website. You can export posts, pages, products, variations, orders, refunds, coupons, and media.

Although it’s possible to export “All Content” for making a site migration a little easier, you would choose the Orders field to only obtain an XML file with WooCommerce product order data.

Once selected, click the Download Export File button. This saves the file to your Downloads folder (or whichever folder you have set to automatically save files downloaded from the internet):

the Orders field selected and the download export file button

3. Open, edit, or move the WooCommerce order export file

You can find the WooCommerce order export XML saved on your computer (most likely in the Downloads folder). Click on the file to view or edit the content. Consider saving it to another location, or send it to someone else:

an XML file in the downloads folder

Keep in mind that an XML WooCommerce order export works differently than a CSV file.

It has unique import options, and the XML file isn’t as user-friendly for viewing, since it’s more for the transfer of data, not editing.

Best plugins to export WooCommerce orders

You now know the two ways to export WooCommerce orders with CSV and XML files. Both of them are built-in tools with your standard WordPress/WooCommerce installation and therefore don’t require installing a plugin.

However, you may want to expand upon the default export functionality. Perhaps there’s no such export feature included in WooCommerce.

💡 In that case, we suggest turning to a WooCommerce order export plugin.

There are several available plugins to export WooCommerce orders via CSV, XML, or other formats like PDF. Some plugins mainly focus on the exporting capabilities, while others offer a wide range of features, with order exports being one of them.

📌 We’ve tested the most promising WooCommerce export orders plugins, and here are the ones we recommend:

  1. Order Export and Order Import for WooCommerce: Particularly useful for batch WooCommerce order exports to CSV files.
  2. Advanced Order Export for WooCommerce: The most advanced solution for exporting orders from WooCommerce, with features for exporting order data to file formats like CSV, XLS, XML, PDF, TSV, HTML, and JSON – you can also choose the fields you want to export.
  3. WooCommerce Customer/Order/Coupon Export: A premium extension for exporting orders, along with customers and coupons, from WooCommerce. The main benefit of this plugin is that you can set an automated schedule for recurring exports, and it supports CSV and XML formats.
  4. Import/Export Suite for WooCommerce: Primarily for use while migrating an entire site, this plugin allows for exporting orders, passwords, products, customers, and subscriptions. You can export WooCommerce orders via CSV or XML and send the data right to local storage or FTP.
  5. XML File Export: Very helpful for users of, since it automatically exports orders to in XML format. You can export bulk or individual orders, and use filters to specify which fields to include.

How to export WooCommerce orders to CSV with a plugin

If you’re going the plugin route, we highly recommend using the Advanced Order Exports for WooCommerce plugin, since it’s free, easy to understand, and provides a list of order details that you can save in multiple formats, like CSV, XML, PDF, and HTML.

Here’s how to use the plugin to export your order data:

  1. Install the plugin and access the export features
  2. Set filters for date ranges
  3. Choose an export file format
  4. Filter the export even further (if needed)
  5. Run the export

1. Install the plugin and access the export features

To get started, install and activate the Advanced Exports for WooCommerce plugin.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll find a new Export Orders tab when scrolling over the WooCommerce menu item in WordPress.

Click on that to start the process:

a button in WordPress to export orders

2. Set filters for date ranges

The plugin offers various date range filters so that you only export orders that came in during certain time periods.

Use the “Filter orders by” section to filter by order date, modification date, paid date, or completed date.

After that, you can set a date range for the export.

There are also settings to receive summary reports, configure the export file name, and change which order statuses appear in the export:

a section in WordPress to filter orders by date

3. Choose an export file format

The Format section offers fields for:

Pick the CSV option to export your orders to a CSV file. You can see additional CSV export options such as for outputting column titles as the first line or removing line breaks:

the format section to use WooCommerce to export orders via CSV

4. Filter the export even further (if needed)

If you want to get even more targeted with your export filters, the right side of the interface lets you filter the export by the following details:

  • Product
  • Customer
  • Coupon
  • Billing
  • Shipping
  • Item and metadata:
Filter the export by details

For instance, you might choose to only export orders of a certain product , such as T-shirts:

filter by product section for WooCommerce export orders CSV

5. Run the export

The plugin has a wide range of other settings to configure, so feel free to play around with those.

Once you’re happy with your export settings, find and click on the Export button at the bottom of the window:

the Export button

The WooCommerce export orders CSV gets saved on your computer, where you can open it to see a list of all orders with their order numbers, statuses, and the billing and shipping information from customers:

List of all orders

Each row also shows order details such as order total amount, SKU, item name, and item cost:

WooCommerce export orders CSV with order details like order amount

Bonus Step: Try exporting in a different file format, like PDF or HTML

You can always go back to the Format section in the plugin to re-run an order export in a different file format. Simply select another field, such as PDF.

Every file format has its own extra settings. For example, the PDF format allows for changing the orientation of the document, page size, font size, and column width:

format section with PDF selected

Click the Export button just like you did in the previous steps.

The great part about using a plugin like this one for order exports is that you gain the flexibility to export a wide variety of document formats. And that makes sense, considering you’ll most likely want a PDF to print an order form in many situations. Or, it might be logical to export an HTML file if you need to add that data to a website:

order list pdf with customer information

Do you have any questions on how to use WooCommerce to export orders via CSV?

You can export WooCommerce orders via CSV, PDF, XML, and many other formats. You simply need to choose the right method (using a plugin or the built-in WooCommerce export features) to allow for the desired formatting.

Luckily, both methods work seamlessly 😎 and should allow you to download an order list for stock pickers, fulfillment companies, and other people who may need a digital or physical order list.

Do you still have any questions about how to export WooCommerce orders as a CSV or other file formats? Let us know in the comments!

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