Building WordPress Portfolio with Free JetGridBuilder Gutenberg Plugin

Building WordPress Portfolio with Free JetGridBuilder Gutenberg Plugin

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Currently, the Gutenberg editor is going through a complex and unambiguous development path. Love it, or hate it, the new WordPress editor is here to stay for a very long time. And so far, some tasks are quite problematic to solve using the WordPress native builder alone.Of course, building a portfolio WordPress website with the new editor is much more convenient than the possibilities of the Classic Editor. Still, building grids with Gutenberg editor is an issue right now because the process is quite time-consuming and complicated; you need to use many blocks and even apply some CSS knowledge that contradicts the developers’ idea about the simplicity of editing.WordPress doesn’t have a single solution to display the posts flexibly. But, lucky you, Crocoblock does. The JetGridBuilder will rock your portfolio…
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